Se destinarán los fondos a todos los programas incluidos en la Estrategia de Empleo Juvenil con interés especial en la formación, en Europa hay ahora mismo 300.000 puestos de trabajos "digitales" que están vancantes porque no hay formación suficiente, y en 2015 pueden ser 900.000.
En 2014 los Estados miembros sólo recibirán una prefinanciación del Fondo Social Europeo del 1% para cada uno de los programas. En el caso de la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil serían sólo 60 millones de euros para todos los Estados miembros, de los 6.000 millones previstos para todo el periodo de programación.
Los líderes europeos pretenden movilizar unos 45.000 millones de euros durante el trienio 2013-2015.
Detalles del Plan contra el plan de desempleo juvenil.
Estrategia de empleo joven.
El Consejo de Ministros celebrado el 20 de diciembre de 2013 aprobó el Plan Nacional de Implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en España, documento que ha remitido a la Comisión Europea.
Puedes consultar el documento completo pinchando aquí.
What is the Youth Guarantee?
The Youth Guarantee seeks to
ensure that Member States offer all young people up to age 25 a quality
job, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four
months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. The Youth
Guarantee is one of the most crucial and urgent structural reforms that
Member States must introduce to address youth unemployment and to
improve school to work transitions.
The logic of the Youth Guarantee
is very simple – to ensure that young people are actively helped by
public employment services to either find a job suited to their
education, skills and experience or to acquire the education, skills and
experience that employers are looking for and so are directly relevant
to increasing their chances of finding a job in the future.
This approach is based partly on the very clear relationship between levels of educational attainment and youth unemployment:
Youth unemployment rate, by educational attainment, EU-27, 2000 – 2012
Source: Eurostat 2013
The Youth Guarantee is based on
experience in Austria and Finland that show that investing in young
people pays off. For example, the Finnish youth guarantee resulted in a
reduction in unemployment amongst young people, with 83.5% successfully
allocated a job, traineeship, apprenticeship or further education within
three months of registering.
A Youth Guarantee Recommendation was formally adopted by the EU's Council of Ministers on 22 April 2013 (see MEMO/13/152) on the basis of a proposal made by the Commission in December 2012 (see IP/12/1311 and MEMO/12/938) and was endorsed by the June 2013 European Council. .
For many Member States, the implementation of the Youth Guarantee will require structural reforms. For example, public employment services
must be able to ensure individual young people receive appropriate
advice on job, education and training opportunities most relevant to
their own situation. The Commission's June 2013 proposal for a Decision
to help public employment services to maximise their effectiveness
through closer cooperation can play a useful role here (see IP/13/544).
Another area requiring structural reforms concerns vocational education and training systems,
where Member States must ensure that they give young people the skills
that employers are looking for. In this respect, dialogue between trade
unions, employers' organisations, educational establishments and public
authorities on the structure and content of education and training
courses can prove useful.
The Youth Guarantee does have a
fiscal cost for Member States (the International Labour Organisation has
estimated the cost of setting up Youth Guarantees in the eurozone at
€21 billion per year). However, the costs of NOT acting are far higher.
The European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions
(Eurofound) has estimated the current economic loss in the EU of having
7.5 million young people out of work or education or training at over
€150 billion every year (1.2% of EU GDP) in terms of benefits paid out
and lost output.
This is in addition to the
long-term costs of unemployment to the economy, to society and to the
individuals concerned, such as increased risk of future unemployment and
The cost of doing nothing is
therefore very high: the Youth Guarantee scheme is an investment. For
the Commission, this is crucial expenditure for the EU to preserve its
future growth potential. Significant EU financial support can help -
most notably from the European Social Fund and in the context of the
Youth Employment Initiative (see below). But to make the Youth Guarantee
a reality, Member States also need to prioritise youth employment
measures in their national budgets.
European Social Fund support for the Youth Guarantee
By far the most important source
of EU money to support implementation of the Youth Guarantee and other
measures to tackle youth unemployment is the European Social Fund
(ESF) which should continue to be worth more than €10 billion every
year in the 2014-20 period. It is important that Member States devote a
significant proportion of their European Social Fund allocations for
2014-20 to implementing the Youth Guarantee.
Youth Employment Initiative support for the Youth Guarantee
To increase available EU financial
support to the regions and individuals struggling most with youth
unemployment and inactivity, the Council and the European Parliament
agreed to create a dedicated Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). YEI support will concentrate on regions experiencing youth unemployment rates above 25% and on young people not in employment, education or training
(NEETs). This will ensure that in parts of Europe where the challenges
are most acute the level of support per young person is sufficient to
make a real difference.
The YEI funding will comprise €3
billion from a specific new EU budget line dedicated to youth employment
matched by at least €3 billion from the European Social Fund national
allocations. This will amplify the support provided by the European
Social Fund for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee by funding
activities to directly help young people not in employment, education or
training (NEETs) such as job provision, traineeships and
apprenticeships, business start-up support, etc.
The Commission has proposed to
frontload the €6 billion under the YEI so that all this money is
committed in 2014 and 2015 rather than over the seven year period of the
MFF. To ensure a quick start, Member States could exceptionally start
implementing YEI-related measures already as of 1 September 2013 to be
reimbursed ‘retroactively’ when the programmes are subsequently
The YEI will exclusively target
NEETs aged up to 25 years, and where the Member States consider
relevant, also those aged up to 30 years. In this case however Member
States will have to allocate additional ESF resources to these measures
in order to avoid a drastic reduction of support per person (potentially
down from €1356 to around €700 if all NEETs are included).
More generally, Member States will
have to complement the YEI assistance with substantial additional ESF
and national investments in structural reforms to modernise employment,
social and education services for young persons, and by improving
education access, quality and links to labour market demand. The YEI
will be programmed as part of the ESF.
Further information
See also:
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